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Moving To A New State? 4 Things You Should Do

Getting ready for a big move is exciting, especially when it's a long distance to a new state. That said, it's important that you are well prepared for the move so that it goes smoothly. Here are 4 tips to follow.

Avoid Buying New Furniture Before Your Move

You may be really tempted to buy some new couches or other large items before you move into your new home that is much larger. However, this is one thing you should hold off on doing until after you are moved into your new place. That is because long distance movers bill your move by the total weight of the moving truck. If it is jam packed with items you recently purchased, it can cause the move to be more expensive in the end. Try to hold off on buying any new furniture until after you arrive at your new place

Transfer Accounts To Your New Address

You can get started on transferring any accounts that you have to your new address, which will help prevent the need to do this after you move while you are busy unpacking. You may currently have accounts with providers for your cell phone, satellite television, and internet that can have the service address change to reflect where you will soon be living. 

Set Up Mail Forwarding

Head on down to your local post office and set up a mail forwarding address. The US Postal Service will handle the forwarding of all your mail to your new address for an entire year, which will ensure that you don't miss any accounts that you forgot to update to your new address.  Some items, such as magazines, are only forwarded for 60 days, so be sure to update your address immediately on any magazine subscriptions.

Register Your Kids For School

Do not forget about registering your kids for school, which can be done prior to you arriving at your new home. This will ensure that a spot is reserved for them in a classroom once the school year starts, and also helps schools prepare for staffing needs by knowing how many students there will be.  These decisions are made early in the year, so the sooner you register your child the better.

For information specific to what you can do for packing your belongings, speak to a local moving company such as Warners Moving & Storage. They can tell you all the things that make their job easier on your moving day.
